Saturday, 27 October 2012

MORE Free Fishing on the Wey.
I’m starting to really like this free fishing lark, last week free fishing on the river Itchen, this week we were going to spend a few hours on the river Wey in Farnham.
As the darkness now hangs around for longer in the morning it means not quite so early starts, which is nice, so I picked Steve up at 7am (which is late for us) and headed for Farnham, Steve had fished here before so had an idea on parking which was handy as I had only driven over the bridge before.

About 7:30 we was parked and a whole £2 parking later we set off the river, its quite a thin section of the river and quite shallow in places but looked great, we walked over the bridge that I have driven over many times and cast in just beyond it. On the second trot through I had a nice little brown Trout, then all went quiet so we moved up to a nice stretch in front of a park, there was loads of fish here, every cast was either a Minnow, Dace, Chublett or Trout, it was fantastic fun, and as soon as the fishing slowed we just moved up a hundred yards or so and carried on, this is why we had to travel light, just a rod/reel in one hand a net in the other and a rucksack on my back with all I need in. We walked up and down the river and caught loads of fish but the most surprising thing for me was the quality Dace fishing to be had, and for free, we had fish to 8oz, I had one to 7oz and most over 5oz, great fishing.

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